Morning Prayer 01.03.22
Sung Eucharist 27.02.2022
Midweek Eucharist 24.02.2022
Morning Prayer 22.02.2022
Sung Eucharist 20.02.22
Midweek Eucharist 17.02.22
Morning Prayer 15.02.22
Sung Eucharist 12.02.22
Midweek Eucharist 10.02.11
Morning Prayer 08.02.22
Sung Eucharist 06.02.22
Midweek Eucharist 03.02.22
Morning Prayer 01.02.22
Sung Eucharist 30.01.22
Midweek Eucharist 27.01.22
Morning Prayer 25.01.22
Sung Eucharist 23.01.22
Midweek Eucharist 20.01.22
Morning Prayer
Sung Eucharist 16.01.2022
40th Wedding Anniversary
The Rev G R Oakley's Retirement gift
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